January 22, 2025

Archives for 2002

No Posting Until Tuesday Morning

You won’t find anything new here until Tuesday morning.

I’ll be in London, secure beneath the watchful eyes.

Microsoft Ruling Released Early

Update (8:42 PM): The item below, which I am leaving here only to maintain a complete record, was INCORRECT. It was based on an inaccurate report from a reader, which was discovered when I asked the reader a few more questions. At this point, although the ruling was put on the Court’s website early, there is no evidence that the Court’s email was also released early.



Earlier I wrote about Friday’s Microsoft ruling being available at a hidden URL on the Court’s site at 2:40 PM, about two hours before the official release time.

Reader [name deleted] reports receiving the Court’s emailed release of the ruling at about 3:15 PM, more than an hour before the scheduled release. (I received it about about 5:00 PM, but the message was listed as sent at 3:15 PM.)

Previous rulings in the case had been released after the stock market closed on a Friday, and this ruling was announced to follow that schedule. It’s not clear why it was released early. It seems unlikely that the judge changed her mind about when to release it. Perhaps the plan was to release it at 4:30, but once it was clear that the information had leaked from the website, somebody decided to release the email.

Any other theories?

Hiatus for Fritz's Hit List

As of today, Fritz’s Hit List is going on hiatus. It’s not that I have run out of examples for the list. I have many good ones left, and a few great ones like a musical chip-and-dip bowl. It’s just that I have made my point and I’m tired of having to write a new entry every day.

I’ll revive Fritz’s Hit List if the Hollings CBDTPA gets any closer to passage, or if a new bill with the same shortcomings is introduced. Until then, the first 29 entries are available in the archives.

SpamCop Blacklists Declan, Again

Declan McCullagh reports that his Politech server has been blacklisted by SpamCop – for the third time. Longtime readers may recall this site being wrongly blacklisted by SpamCop in its early days. The scary part is that SpamCop is apparently one of the more responsible spam blacklisters.

Amy Wohl reports being on another blacklist.

UPDATE (3pm): Seth Finkelstein thinks he has diagnosed Amy’s Wohl’s problem.

Microsoft Ruling Released Early

Ted Bridis at the Associated Press reports that Friday’s rulings on the Microsoft case put on the Court’s website at 2:40 PM, about two hours before their official release. As in the Intentia/Reuters incident, the documents were put on the website in a guessable location, but without any links to them being released.

Slashdot published the news about the rulings’ availability at 3:30 PM, still about an hour before they were to be released. At this point, even the DOJ and Microsoft had not seen the rulings. The markets were still open at this point, and the trading price of Microsoft stock predictably went up.