October 23, 2024

Super-DMCA Already Law in Several States

Louis Trager at the Washington Internet Daily reports that Super-DMCA bills have already passed in several states:

The low-profile lobbying effort was under way about 2 years before it burst into the open in recent days. Legislation supported by MPAA was enacted in [Delaware] and [Maryland] in 2001 and in [Illinois], [Michigan] and [Virginia] last year, MPAA Senior VP Vans Stevenson said…. A different version was enacted in [Pennsylvania] in 2000, Stevenson said.

The story further quotes Stevenson as saying that bills are “pending” in Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, South Carolina and Texas. Others are watching bills in Oregon and Tennessee, Trager reports.

I have updated my Super-DMCA status page to reflect this new information.