October 23, 2024

House DMCA Reform Hearing Today

Today a congressional committee will hold a hearing on the Boucher-Doolittle bill (H.R. 107), known as the DMCRA, that would reform the DMCA. The hearing will be webcast, starting at about 10:00 AM Eastern. Look here for a witness list and link to the webcast.

The DMCRA would do four main things: require labeling of copy-protected CDs; allow circumvention of DRM for non-infringing purposes; allow the distribution of DRM-circumvention tools that enable fair use; and create an exemption to the DMCA for legitimate research.

Based on the witness list and other hints I have gotten, it appears that the hearing will focus on the consumer provisions of the bill. There probably won’t be much discussion of the much-needed research exemption.