January 20, 2025

Guessing passwords with Apple’s full-device encryption

With the recently-introduced iOS 8, Apple has switched to a encrypting a much larger amount of user data by default. Matt Green has provided an excellent initial look at a technical level and big-picture level and Apple has recently released a slightly more detailed specification document and an admirable promise never to include backdoors. This move, and Google’s prompt promise […]

On Decentralizing Prediction Markets and Order Books

In a new paper to be presented next week at WEIS by Jeremy Clark, we discuss the challenges in designing truly decentralized prediction markets and order books. Prediction markets allow market participants to trade shares in future events (such as “Will the USA advance to the knockout stage of the 2014 World Cup?”) and turn […]

Heartbleed and passwords: don't panic

The Heartbleed bug has captured public attention this week like few security vulnerabilities before it. This is a good thing, as indeed this is a catastrophic flaw. Many people have focused on its impact on passwords with headlines like “Security Flaw Exposes Millions Of Passwords” and “Change these passwords right now.” Heartbleed certainly could have been used […]