Over at Ars Technica, the final installment of my series on self-driving cars is up. In this installment I focus on the policy implications of self-driving technologies, asking about regulation, liability, and civil liberties.
Regulators will face a difficult trade-off between safety and innovation. One of the most important reasons for the IT industry’s impressive record of innovation is that the industry is lightly regulated and the basic inputs are cheap enough that almost anyone can enter the market with new products. The story of the innovative company founded in someone’s garage has become a cliche, but it also captures an important part of what makes Silicon Valley such a remarkable place. If new IT products were only being produced by large companies like Microsoft and Cisco, we’d be missing out on a lot of important innovation.
In contrast, the automobile industry is heavily regulated. Car manufacturers are required to jump through a variety of hoops to prove to the government that new cars are safe, have acceptable emissions, get sufficient gas mileage, and so forth. There are a variety of arguments for doing things this way, but one important consequence is that it makes it harder for a new firm to enter the market.
These two very different regulatory philosophies will collide if and when self-driving technologies mature. This software, unlike most other software, will kill people if it malfunctions. And so people will be understandably worried about the possibility that just anyone can write software and install it in their cars. Indeed, regulators are likely to want to apply the same kind of elaborate testing regime to car software that now applies to the rest of the car.
On the other hand, self-driving software is in principle no different from any other software. It’s quite possible that a brilliant teenager could produce dramatically improved self-driving software from her parents’ basement. If we limit car hacking to those engineers who happen to work for a handful of large car companies, we may be foregoing a lot of beneficial progress. And in the long run, that may actually cost lives by depriving society of potentially lifesaving advances in self-driving technology.
So how should the balance be struck? In the article, I suggest that a big part of the solution will be a layered architecture. I had previously made the prediction that self-driving technologies will be introduced first as safety technologies. That is, cars will have increasingly sophisticated collision-avoidance technologies. Once car companies have figured out how to make a virtually uncrashable car, it will be a relatively simple (and safe) step to turn it into a fully self-driving one.
My guess is that the collision-avoidance software will be kept around and serve as the lowest layer of a self-driving car’s software stack. Like the kernels in modern operating systems, the collision-avoidance layer of a self-driving car’s software will focus on preventing higher-level software from doing damage, while actual navigational functionality is implemented at a higher level.
One beneficial consequence is that it may be possible to leave the higher levels of the software stack relatively unregulated. If you had software that made it virtually impossible for a human being to crash, then it would be relatively safe to run more experimental navigation software on top of it. If the higher-level software screwed up, the low-level software should detect the mistake and override its instructions.
And that, in turn, leaves some hope that the self-driving cars of the future could be a hospitable place for the kind of decentralized experimentation that has made the IT industry so innovative. There are likely to be strict limits on screwing around with the lowest layer of your car’s software stack. But if that layer is doing its job, then it should be possible to allow more experimentation at higher layers without endangering peoples’ lives.
If you’re interested in more on self-driving cars, Josephine Wolff at the Daily Princetonian has an article on the subject. And next Thursday I’ll be giving a talk on the future of driving here at Princeton.