January 15, 2025

Searching for Currency-Detection Software

Richard M. Smith observes that several products known to detect images of currency refer users to http://www.rulesforuse.org, a site that explains various countries’ laws about use of currency images. It seems a good bet that any software containing that URL has some kind of currency detection feature.

So you can look for currency-detecting software on your own computer. Just search the contents of your computer for the character string “http://www.rulesforuse.org”, and see if you find that string in any software such as an application or a printer driver.

Richard reports finding the string in drivers for the following printers: HP 130, HP 230, HP 7150, HP 7345, HP 7350, and HP 7550.

Go ahead, try it yourself. If you find anything, post a comment here with the details.

Photoshop and Currency

Several things have been missed in the recent flare-up over Adobe Photoshop’s refusal to import images of currency. (For background, see Ted Bridis’s APstory.)

There’s a hidden gem in the Slashdot discussion, pointing to a comment by Markus Kuhn of Cambridge University. Markus established that some color copiers look for a special pattern of five circles (usually yellow or orange in color), and refuse to make high-res copies of documents containing them. Sure enough, the circles are common on paper money. (On the new U.S. $20 bills, they’re the zeroes in the little yellow “20”s that pepper the background on the back side of the bill.) Markus called the special five-dot pattern the “constellation EURion” because he first spotted it on Euro notes.

But reported experiments by others show that Photoshop is looking for something other than EURion. For example, Jon Sullivan says that Photoshop refuses to load this image, which nobody would mistake for currency.

There’s been lots of talk, too, about artists’ legitimate desire to use currency images, and lots of criticism of Adobe for stopping them from doing so. But check out the U.S. government’s legal limitations on representations of currency, which are much more restrictive than I expected. Representations of U.S. currency must be one-sided, and must differ substantially in size from real bills, and all copies (including computer files) must be destroyed after their final use. Photographs or other likenesses of other U.S. securities, or non-U.S. currency, must satisfy all of the preceding rules, and must be in black and white. (Other countries’ rules are available too.)

Finally, the European Central Bank (ECB) is considering recommending legislation to the EU to require inclusion of currency recognition into digital imaging products. Predictably, the ECB’s proposal is wildly overbroad, applying to “any equipment, software, or other product[]” that is “capable of capturing images or transferring images into, or out of, computer systems, or of manipulating or producing digital images for the purposes of counterfeiting”. As usual, the “capable of” construction captures just about every general purpose communication technology in existence – the Internet, for example, is clearly “capable of … transferring images into, or out of, computer systems”. Note to self: it’s way past time to write that piece about the difficulties of regulating general purpose technologies.

[Thanks to Seth Schoen for pointers to some of this information.]

Insecurity Features

An “insecurity feature” is a product feature that looks like it provides security, but really doesn’t. Insecurity features can make you less secure, because they trick you into trusting something of value to a product that can’t properly protect it.

A classic example is the “Password to Modify” feature of Microsoft Word, as revealed recently on BugTraq by Thorsten Delbrouck-Konetzko. This feature allows a document’s author to establish a password that must be entered before the document can be modified. That would be a pretty useful feature – if Word actually provided it. But as Mr. Delbrouck-Konetzko revealed, it is easy for anybody to modify such a file without knowing the password. In other words, Password to Modify is an insecurity feature.

The flaw that caused this is pretty easy to understand. Word implemented the Password to Modify feature by storing the hash of the password at a special place in the Word document file. The problem was that there was nothing to connect the stored password-hash with the rest of the file, so there was nothing to stop somebody from moving a hashed password from one Word file to another. So suppose Alice created a file and put the password “A” on it. Bob could create his own file with password “B” and then copy his password into Alice’s file; then Bob could modify Alice’s file (since it contained his password, which he knew). For extra style points, when Bob was done he could copy Alice’s password back into the modified file.

Microsoft responded to this report by issuing a bulletin helpfully explaining that the feature was never really meant to provide security. The bulletin contains such statements as this:

Not all features that are found on the Security tab are designed to help make your documents and files more secure.

Unfortunately, Word’s user interface doesn’t do much of anything to help users distinguish insecurity features from real security features. For example, here is the relevant dialog box from my copy of Word 2000:

I’ve outlined the relevant area in red. The box on the left lets you establish a password to open the file; that’s a real security feature. The box on the right lets you establish a password to modify the file; that’s an insecurity feature. Nothing in the user interfaces tells you that the features provide very different levels of protection.

There’s another lesson here, in the fact that such an obvious problem exists in a popular Microsoft product, despite Microsoft’s recent focus on security, and despite all of the genuine security experts who work there. This flaw reflects a bad decision made by some non-expert programmer or manager a long time ago, a decision that has persisted for so long, one assumes, through sheer inattention and inertia. And it’s not only Microsoft who failed to notice this for so long. Any good cryptographer, on hearing a description of what the Password to Modify feature supposedly did, should have been very suspicious. The problem was there to see for a long time; but apparently nobody looked.

Panel on Copyright and Free Speech

Lawrence Solum reports on a panel discussion at the American Association of Law Schools conference. It’s an interesting discussion, and everybody seems to agree that there are significant and increasing conflicts between copyright and free speech.

In her presentation, Jessica Litman used my experience as an example of the chilling effect of the DMCA. Somehow this reminded me of the caption (but not necessarily the title!) on this classic despair.com poster: “It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.”

Radio Revolution

Smart radios are a sleeper technology. They’re being developed right now; they’ll have a huge impact; but they’re not getting anywhere near the attention they deserve.

Smart radios rely on computer processing power, rather than simple analog circuits, to extract information from the electromagnetic spectrum. This simple idea has profound implications for wireless communication, implications that we are only just beginning to understand.

Radio Revolution” is a new paper by Kevin Werbach, published by the New America Foundation and Public Knowledge. It’s the best introduction I’ve seen, for a nontechnical or semitechnical audience, to smart radios and their implications.

So far, this area is one of the real success stories for the U.S. government’s technology policy. The FCC seems to “get it” and is moving in the right direction, although cautiously.