January 10, 2025

Security Research Muzzled in Georgia

A state court in Georgia has issued temporary restraining order, which forced the cancellation of a conference panel this past weekend. A company called Blackboard, which sells campus automation systems to colleges and universities, convinced the court to block the publication of embarrassing details about Blackboard products.

Blackboard sent a demand letter. Blackboard filed a complaint, which convinced the court to issue a temporary restraining order. A mirror of one defendant’s web site is also available.

The complaint is constructed, as the lawyers say, “artfully”. They vilify one of the defendants, without saying much about the other defendant; but they ask for an injunction against both. They gleefully quote one defendant calling himself a “hacker”, apparently unaware that “hacker” is still a legitimate term of respect in some circles. They quote a law against distributing “access codes” and then trumpet a defendant’s distribution of “code”. And so on.

There is no mention in these documents of the enormous free speech issue here. The injunction is a prior restraint on speech, which prevented the defendants from speaking to an specific audience that had gathered to hear them. Yet somehow neither Blackboard nor the court indicated that any consideration of the First Amendment was even necessary.

The court will hold a hearing on the case tomorrow.

UPDATE (April 17, 8:50 AM): The hearing has been deferred for 45 days. Also note that, contrary to some reports, the complaint and injunction did not mention the DMCA. For more information about this case, see John R. Hall’s FAQ.

RIAA Sues Students for Running "Napster-Like" Networks

The RIAA has announced the filing of lawsuits against four college students for allegedly running “Napster-like” networks. Two of the students are from RPI, one from Michigan Tech, and one from Princeton.

Godwin on the Digital TV Transition

In the April issue of Reason, Mike Godwin offers a clear description of the mess surrounding the digital-television transition, along with a provocative approach to resolving it.

ABA Group Tries to Understand WiFi

Cory Doctorow at BoingBoing discusses an amazing document in which an American Bar Association panel lays out their view of the future of WiFi. High-order cluelessness pervades.

Super-DMCA Already Passed in Michigan

Alert reader Larry Blunk reports that the state of Michigan has already passed a set of super-DMCA laws. They will take effect on March 31. Here is the text of the three new laws: 1, 2, 3.

The ban on concealing the origin or destination of communications, whose drawbacks I had pointed out previously, is in the second of these laws. Other problematic aspects of the super-DMCA legislation are in the other laws.