January 20, 2025

We're Back

We’re back on the air after roughly thirty-six hours of downtime. Apparently the server that brings you Freedom to Tinker (along with many unrelated sites hosted by the same web hosting provider) has had its hard drives impounded by the authorities as part of a cyberterrorism investigation. The last week or so of backup tapes were impounded too, so everything I had written since March 14 was apparently lost.

But thanks to the efforts of several readers (including Chris Smith, Joe Barillari, Eszter Hargittai, and Dave Provine), I have now recreated the missing postings, and everything should be back to normal.

UPDATE (March 24): On a related note, you may have noticed a glitch or two over the past few days as we moved to a new hosting provider. (You’re reading this on the new provider.)


  1. Hilary Rosen, Anonymous Tipster?

    Apparently, Edward Felton’s weblog has been caught in the cyberterrorism crossfire. According to this post the server that hosts freedom-to-tinker.com and many other sites had its hard drives impounded as part of a cyberterrorism investigation. At this…