January 15, 2025

Welcome to Alex Halderman

I’m pleased to announce that Alex Halderman, a second-year graduate student who works with me, now has a byline here on Freedom to Tinker. Alex works on computer security and infotech policy, and has done interesting research on topics such as compact disc copy protection and privacy-enhancing technology. He plans to attend the Grokster oral arguments tomorrow; I hope he will be able to give us a firsthand account of the arguments and the early-morning linewaiting/campout experience. I have also invited him to post on other topics as he sees fit.


  1. Alex, I trust that you are keeping in mind Henry Thoreau’s famous dictum: “beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.” Good luck in this new enterprise, and happy trails ahead.

  2. Hi, now that you have more than one author on the blog, could you shift the “Posted by” info to the top of each entry?

  3. Good luck to Alex 😉

  4. While we were waiting on the steps of SCOTUS, Alex promised to post his commentary/notes here… we’re eagerly awaiting them, Alex 🙂