September 16, 2024

How to Assess an E-voting System

Part 1 of a 5-part series If I can shop and bank online, why can’t I vote online?   David Jefferson explained in 2011 why internet voting is so difficult to make secure,  I summarized again in 2021 why internet voting is still inherently insecure, and many other experts have explained it too.  Still, several […]

Most top websites are not following best practices in their password policies

By Kevin Lee, Sten Sjöberg, and Arvind Narayanan Compromised passwords have consistently been the number one cause of data breaches by far, yet passwords remain the most common means of authentication on the web. To help, the information security research community has established best practices for helping users create stronger passwords. These include: Block weak […]

Dcentral vs. Consensus: Are institutions “frens” or enemies of crypto?

As a part of an ethnographic study on blockchain organizations, I recently attended two major conferences – Dcentral Con and Consensus – held back-to-back in Austin, Texas during a blistering heatwave. My collaborator, Johannes Lenhard, and I had conducted a handful of interviews with angel investors, founders, and venture capitalists, but we’d yet to conduct […]

Improving Your Relationship with Social Media May Call for a Targeted Approach

” … it turns out that the students who saw the most positive outcomes were those who designed their social media intervention in a targeted way.”

A PDF File Is Not Paper, So PDF Ballots Cannot Be Verified

A new paper by Henry Herrington, a computer science undergraduate at Princeton University, demonstrates that a hacked PDF ballot can display one set of votes to the voter, but different votes after it’s emailed – or uploaded – to election officials doing the counting. For overseas voters or voters with disabilities, many states provide “Remote Accessible Vote […]