January 6, 2025

Garfinkel on Wireless Tags

Simson Garfinkel has an interesting short article in Technology Review about wireless tags. He advocates a sort of consumers’ bill of rights, that would protect people against being observed or tracked against their will.

Wireless tags are an important and potentially scary technology. As I’ve written before, I think we need more discussion of their implications.

Fritz's Hit List #10

Today on Fritz’s Hit List: the remote controlled fart machine.

When a remote control is pressed, this device emits one of five prerecorded fart noises. Because these noises are stored in digital form, the device qualifies for regulation as a “digital media device” under the Hollings CBDTPA. If the CBDTPA passes, any newly manufactured fart machines will have to incorporate government-approved copy restriction technology.

Fight piracy – regulate electronic whoopee cushions!


I’m assuming here that the fart noises are copyrighted. If the noises have been engineered or chosen for their humor value, then they are probably copyrighted, whether or not the owner explicitly says so. Let’s pause for a moment to meditate on the sublimity of a legal system that can treat fart noises as intellectual property. Take your time; I’ll wait.

Welcome back! One more item of business: Thanks for suggesting this item go to brilliant reader Philip Cuff, who says he now regrets having released all of his farts into the public domain.

My Testimony on the Berman-Coble Bill

Today I submitted written testimony that will be included in the record of last week’s House hearings on the Berman-Coble bill.

Doubletalk from MediaDefender?

The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that MediaDefender has been sending cease-and-desist letters to universities, identifying the IP addresses of specific computers that are alleged to be offering copyrighted movies for download. These IP addresses usually correlate one-to-one with users.

One of the MediaDefender letters is reprinted in the Chronicle story. The letter says in part:

… we request that you immediately do the following:

1) Disable access to the individual who has engaged in the conduct described above; and 2) Terminate any and all accounts that this individual has through you.

This is not entirely consistent with the testimony given by Randy Saaf, MediaDefender’s president, at a Congressional hearing last week. Mr. Saaf’s written testimony said:

MediaDefender’s technologies only affect the networks on a macro-scale and not on a micro-scale. MediaDefender only communicates with the P2P networks on a high level and pays no attention to the individual users. We do not identify, nor target individuals.

Misleading Term of the Week: "Rights"

A “right” is a legal entitlement – something that the law says you are allowed to do. But the term is often misused to refer to something else.

Consider, for example, the use of “digital rights management” (often abbreviated as DRM) to describe technologies that restrict the use of creative works. In practice, the “rights” being managed are really just rules that the copyright owner wants to impose; and those rules may bear little relation to the parties’ legal rights. Cloaking these restrictions in the language of “rights” makes them sound more neutral and unchangeable than they really are.

DRM advocates often put forth arguments that go roughly like this:

(1) we have built technology that doesn’t let you do X;

(2) therefore you cannot do X;

(3) therefore you do not have the right to do X;

(4) therefore you should be required to use technology that doesn’t let you do X.

The trickiest part of this argument is getting from (2) to (3). Using the term “digital rights management” in (1) and (2) makes the leap from (2) to (3) seem smaller than it really is.

There is at least one more common misuse of “rights” in the copyright/technology debate. This is in the use of the term “rights holder” to refer to copyright owners (but not to users). When someone says, “Content is shipped from the rights holder to the consumer,” the implication is that the rights of the copyright owner are more important than those of the user. There is no need for this term “rights holder.” “Copyright owner” will do just fine, and it will help us remember that both parties in the transaction have rights that need to be protected.