October 23, 2024

Contract hacking and community organizing

I discussed community discontent with copyright terms of some scholarly publishers, and I proposed an economic analysis. Now let’s consider two other approaches. Contract hacking I have published quite a few scholarly papers, and with each one I am invited to sign a copyright form. This is a contract between author and publisher, which which […]

Modest Proposals for Academic Authors

In the scuffles over copyright policies on scholarly articles, what is the academic author to do? First, inform yourself. Find and read the copyright policy of the journals (or refereed conferences) to which you submit the articles describing research results. Find out the subscription price (dead-tree-edition or online) that the publisher charges individuals and institutions, […]

Copyright in Scholarly Publishing, 2012 Edition

I’ve heard a lot recently about copyright policies of scholarly journals. Over 9000 researchers signed a pledge to boycott Elsevier, on three grounds: (1) high prices for journal subscriptions, (2) bundling practices for institutional subscriptions; (3) lobbying regarding SOPA, PIPA, and the Research Works Act. Meanwhile, other organizations such as the ACM (scholarly/professional society for […]

The Latest in Nationwide Internet User Identification – Part 2 (the All-New, So-Called Federal Co-Conspirator Theory)

Since Part 1 in this series a few months ago, Plaintiffs have continued to file “pure bill of discovery” suits in Florida state court. These proceedings typically involve “John Does” who are accused of copyright infringement via peer-to-peer networks. The Plaintiffs (copyright-holders or their delegates) have continued to name as defendants in those “pure discovery” […]

Join Us at Princeton Tomorrow for "Copyright Cat-and-Mouse: New Developments in Online Enforcement"

Tomorrow afternoon, the Center for Information Technology Policy is hosting an event that looks at the state of online copyright enforcement and the policy perspectives of the parties involved. We’ve got a great lineup, with folks from the content industry, internet service providers, web companies, academics, and the press.

Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: The Friend Center, Princeton University, Convocation Room
hashtag: #copyrightcitp

This conference is free and open to the public. Please register here.

Copyright enforcement in the digital era has been an ongoing game of cat-and-mouse. As new technologies emerge for storing and transmitting creative works, content creators struggle to identify the best response. The content industry has employed different tactics over time — including technological copy protection, litigation against infringers, and collaboration with Internet Service Providers (ISPs). In August of 2011, some members of the content industry signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with some of the largest ISPs, agreeing to a “graduated response” system of policing. ISPs agreed to notify their subscribers if allegedly infringing activity was detected from their connection and, if infringement continued after multiple warnings, to impede access. Meanwhile, a wave of “copyright troll” litigation has continued to sweep the country and burden the courts. Use of takedown notices under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act has continued to evolve. This event will examine enforcement efforts to date, and debate the merits of the new private approach embodied in the MOU framework.

New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania CLE credit is available for attorneys who attend. (details)

Keynote: Technology and Trends (1:00 PM – 1:30 PM)

Mike Freedman, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Princeton University

Panel 1: The Existing US Legal Landscape (1:30 PM – 3:00 PM)

Moderator: Bart Huffman, Locke Lord LLP

  • Preston Padden, Adjunct Professor at Colorado Law School and former Executive VP of Government Relations, The Walt Disney Company
  • Timothy B. Lee, Ars Technica
  • Randy Cadenhead, Privacy Counsel, Cox Communications Inc.
  • Katherine Oyama, Copyright Counsel, Google Inc.

Break (3:00 PM – 3:30 PM)

Panel 2: The 2011 Content-ISP MoU (3:30 PM – 5:00 PM)

Moderator: Stephen Schultze, Princeton CITP

  • Joe Karaganis, Vice President, the American Assembly, Columbia University
  • Keith Epstein, Associate General Counsel at AT&T
  • Annemarie Bridy, Fellow, Princeton CITP
  • Daniel M. Mandil, Senior Vice President, Associate General Counsel, Litigation, Viacom Inc.