January 20, 2025

CITP’s OpenWPM privacy measurement tool moves to Mozilla

As part of my PhD at Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), I led the development of OpenWPM, a tool for web privacy measurement, with the help of many contributors. My co-authors and I first released OpenWPM in 2014 with the goal of lowering the technical costs of large-scale web privacy measurement. The tool’s […]

I never signed up for this! Privacy implications of email tracking

In this post I discuss a new paper that will appear at PETS 2018, authored by myself, Jeffrey Han, and Arvind Narayanan. What happens when you open an email and allow it to display embedded images and pixels? You may expect the sender to learn that you’ve read the email, and which device you used […]

Getting serious about research ethics: Security and Internet Measurement

[This blog post is a continuation of our series about research ethics in computer science that we started last week] Research projects in the information security and Internet measurement sub-disciplines typically interact with third-party systems or devices to collect a large amounts of data. Scholars engaging in these fields are interested to collect data about […]

The Princeton Web Census: a 1-million-site measurement and analysis of web privacy

Web privacy measurement — observing websites and services to detect, characterize, and quantify privacy impacting behaviors — has repeatedly forced companies to improve their privacy practices due to public pressure, press coverage, and regulatory action. In previous blog posts I’ve analyzed why our 2014 collaboration with KU Leuven researchers studying canvas fingerprinting was successful, and […]