February 12, 2025

2020 Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection

Christo Wilson and I are pleased to announce that the Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection (ConPro ’20) is returning for a fourth year, co-located with the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy in May 2020.

As in past years, ConPro seeks a diverse range of technical research with implications for consumer protection. Past talks have covered dating fraud, ad targeting, mobile app data practices, privacy policy readability, algorithmic fairness, social media phishing, unwanted calls, cryptocurrency security, and much more.

Unlike past years, ConPro 2020 will accept talk proposals for early stage research ideas in addition to short papers. Do you have a new project or idea that you’d like to refine? Are you curious about which project directions could yield the greatest impact? Pitch a talk for ConPro, and get feedback and suggestions from its diverse, engaged audience.

Each year of ConPro, I’ve been heartened by the enthusiasm towards research that can help improve consumer welfare. If this is important to you too, we hope you’ll submit a paper or talk proposal. We’re always excited to expand our community! The submission deadline is January 23, 2020.