[This is the fifth and final post in a series on best practices for government datasets by Harlan Yu and me. (previous posts: 1, 2, 3, 4)]
For our final post in this series, we’ll discuss several issues not touched on by earlier posts, including data signing and the use of certain non-text file formats. The relatively brief discussions of these topics should not be interpreted as an indicator of their importance. The topics simply did not fit cleanly into earlier posts.
One significant omission from earlier posts is the issue of data signing with digital signatures. Before discussing this issue, let’s briefly discuss what a digital signature is. Suppose that you want to email me an IOU for $100. Later, I may want to prove that the IOU came from you—it’s of little value if you can claim that I made it up. Conversely, you may want the ability to prove whether the document has been altered. Otherwise, I could claim that you owe me $100,000.
Digital signatures help in proving the origin and authenticity of data. These signatures require that you create two related big numbers, known as keys: a private signing key (known only by you) and a public verification key. To generate a digital signature, you plug the data and your signing key into a complicated formula. The formula spits out another big number known a digital signature. Given the signature and your data, I can use the verification key to prove that the data came unmodified from you. Similarly, nobody can credibly sign modified data without your signing key—so you should be very careful to keep this key a secret.
Developers may want to ensure the authenticity of government data and to prove that authenticity to users. At first glance, the solution seems to be a simple application of digital signatures: agencies sign their data, and anyone can use the signatures to authenticate an agency’s data. In spite of their initially steep learning curve, tools like GnuPG provide straightforward file signing. In practice, the situation is more complicated. First, an agency must decide what data to sign. Perhaps a dataset contains numerous documents. Developers and other users may want signatures not only for the full dataset but also for individual documents in it.
Once an agency knows what to sign, it must decide who will perform the signing. Ideally, the employee producing the dataset would sign it immediately. Unfortunately, this solution requires all such employees to understand the signature tools and to know the agency’s signing key. Widespread distribution of the signing key increases the risk that it will be accidentally revealed. Therefore, a central party is likely to sign most data. Once data is signed, an agency must have a secure channel for delivering the verification key to consumers of the data—users cannot confirm the authenticity of signed data without this key. While signing a given file with a given key may not be hard, surrounding issues are more tricky. We offer no simple solution here, but further discussion of this topic between government agencies, developers, and the public could be useful for all parties.
Another issue that earlier posts did not address is the use of non-text spreadsheet formats, including Microsoft Excel’s XLS format. These formats can sometimes be useful because they allow the embedding of formulas and other rich information along with the data. Unfortunately, these formats are far more complex than raw text formats, so they present a greater challenge for automated processing tools. A comma-separated value (CSV) file is a straightforward text format that contains values separated by line breaks and commas. It provides an alternative to complicated spreadsheet formats. For example, the medal count from the 2010 Winter Olympics in CSV would be:
Country,Gold,Silver,Bronze,Total USA,9,15,13,37 Germany,10,13,7,30 Canada,14,7,5,26 Norway,9,8,6,23 ...
Fortunately, the release of data in one format does not preclude its release in another format. Most spreadsheet programs provide an option to save data in CSV form. Agencies should release spreadsheet data in a textual format like CSV by default, but an agency should feel free to also release the data in XLS or other formats.
Similarly, agencies will sometimes release large files or groups of files in a compressed or bundled format (for example, ZIP, TAR, GZ, BZ). In these cases, agencies should prominently specify where users can freely obtain software and instructions for extracting the data. Because so many means of compressing and bundling files exist, agencies should not presume that the necessary tools and steps are obvious from the data files themselves.
The rules suggested throughout this series should be seen as best practices rather than hard-and-fast rules. We are still in the process of fleshing out several of these ideas ourselves, and exceptional cases sometimes justify exceptional treatment. In unusual cases, an agency may need to deviate from traditional best practices, but it should carefully consider (and perhaps document) its rationale for doing so. Rules are made to be broken, but they should not be broken for mere expedience.
Our hope is that this series will provide agencies with some points to consider prior to releasing data. Because of Data.gov and the increasing traction of openness and transparency initiatives, we expect to see many more datasets enter the public domain in the coming years. Some agencies will approach the release of bulk data with minimal previous experience. While this poses a challenge, it also present an opportunity for committed agencies to institute good practices early, before bad habits and poor-quality legacy datasets can accumulate. When releasing new datasets, agencies will make numerous conscious and unconscious choices that impact developers. We hope to help agencies understand developers’ challenges when making these choices.
After gathering input from the community, we plan to create a technical report based on this series of posts. Thanks to numerous readers for insightful feedback; your comments have influenced and clarified our thoughts. If any FTT readers inside or outside of government have additional comments about this post or others, please do pass them along.