July 27, 2024

An Introduction to My Project: Algorithmic Amplification and Society

This article was originally published on the Knight Institute website at Columbia University. The distribution of online speech today is almost wholly algorithm-mediated. To talk about speech, then, we have to talk about algorithms. In computer science, the algorithms driving social media are called recommendation systems, and they are the secret sauce behind Facebook and […]

We’re Hiring CITP Fellows!

The Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy is happy to announce that applications for our in-residence Fellows Program are now open. CITP is seeking candidates for the following three Fellows tracks: Microsoft Visiting Research Scholar/Visiting Professor of Information Technology Policy Postdoctoral Research Associate, or More Senior Researcher Visiting Professional The Fellows Program is a competitive […]

Cross-Layer Security: A Holistic View of Internet Security 

By Henry Birge-Lee, Liang Wang, Grace Cimaszewski, Jennifer Rexford and Prateek Mittal On February 3, 2022, attackers launched a highly effective attack against the Korean cryptocurrency exchange KLAYswap. We discussed the details of this attack in our earlier blog post “Attackers exploit fundamental flaw in the web’s security to steal $2 million in cryptocurrency.” However, […]

We are releasing three longitudinal datasets of Yelp review recommendations with over 2.5M unique reviews.

By Ryan Amos, Roland Maio, and Prateek Mittal Online reviews are an important source of consumer information, play an important role in consumer protection, and have a substantial impact on businesses’ economic outcomes. Some of these reviews may be problematic; for example, incentivized reviews, reviews with a conflict of interest, irrelevant reviews, and entirely fabricated […]

Is Internet Voting Secure? The Science and the Policy Battles

I will be presenting a similarly titled paper at the 2022 Symposium Contemporary Issues in Election Law run by the University of New Hampshire Law review, October 7th in Concord, NH. The paper will be published in the UNH Law Review in 2023 and is available now on SSRN. I have already serialized parts of […]