September 8, 2024

Rising Juniors and Seniors – Do you want to make an impact with public interest technology this summer?

Apply here now to be part of the Siegel Public Interest Technology Summer Fellowship! Artificial intelligence, privacy and security, social media platforms and the internet are influencing all sectors of society — from the justice system and banking, to online shopping and the way we work. Indeed, the demand for expertise is great. Each summer, […]

CITP is hiring for multiple positions, including professor, fellow and Emerging Scholar. Join us!

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) and CITP are accepting applications for an assistant, associate or full professor whose work aligns with CITP’s priorities areas: platforms and digital Infrastructure; data science, AI and society, and privacy and security. Please apply here. Fellows Program We are accepting applications for […]

We have job openings!

The Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy is hiring for the following positions: Assistant, Associate or Full Professor CITP is now accepting applications for a new assistant, associate or full professor whose research work aligns with our three priorities areas: Visit the Princeton University’s Open Faculty & Academic Professional Positions for application details. Fellows Program (Postdoctoral […]

CITP Seeks Postdocs for Fellows Program

Those with a background in information integrity, or in precision health are especially encouraged to apply. As part of our Fellows program, CITP is hiring a Postdoctoral Research Associate. This position is designed for people who have recently received or are about to receive a Ph.D. Applicants should have experience conducting research in at least […]

CITP is Hiring a Professor

We are seeking an Assistant, Associate, or Full professor whose work aligns with one or more of our three focus areas. Please visit the Princeton University open position’s page for more details about the position and the application. Both CITP and Princeton University seek for our research communities to be diverse and inclusive. This commitment […]